Tuesday 6 November 2012

There Is More Than One Way Of Expressing The Truth

    Once Emperor Akbar dreamt that he had lost all his teeth except one & the following morning he summoned all the astrologers of his territory to interpret the dream. The result was stated that all the Emperor’s relatives will die before him. Akbar was very upset with the interpretation and sends away all the astrologers without any reward. When Birbal, the Royal adviser of the Emperor, heard about the dream he replied that this dream actually meant that Akbar would live a longer and more fulfilled life than any of his relatives. Akbar was pleased with his explanation & rewarded him generously.

     Management moral:  There is more than one way of expressing the truth. Sometimes the worst shortcomings can be discussed without stepping on the corns or touching a raw nerve. If it is necessary to resort to a bitter pill in the course of your duty as a manager, there is always the option of using a sugar coating to soften the harshness & it can turn out to be worthwhile.
     It is a matter of seeing a glass as half full or half empty. The fact is the same, only individual perceptions vary.
Source: Solve your problems-The Birbal way

This lesson is not only for corporate life but also applies to our day-to-day chores. 

Ms Birbal ;) 

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